holiday Lights behind sheer curtains in living room

Creative Ways to Use Holiday Lights Indoors

Brighten up those dark winter nights by using holiday lights inside your home.   No tree necessary but a cute dog helps.  This one is my favorite (I bet you can guess why.)  Hanging holiday lights behind sheer curtains makes for a soft, dreamy scene inside any room.

Photo credit Via Johanna


Inside the Front Door

We always focus on decorating the outside of the front door.  Why not trim both sides with festive holiday lights?  You can make your guests feel festive coming and going!

holiday lights around inside of door

Photo credit TSE


Around the Menorah

Use micro-lights around the Menorah.  They will add extra shimmer to your sparkly decor.  Make sure to place in a window so the decorations can be seen from outside.

Menorah decor with holiday lights

Photo credit Chai and Home


Down the Staircase Banister

Very traditional and not unique but I had to share how pretty this lighted garland looks with extra ornaments and decor.  These additional details make the difference between ordinary and extraordinary.

Holiday lights garland staircase banister

Photo Credit Kelly Elko

Holiday lights garland staircase banister

Photo Credit On Sutton Place


Backdrop on a Wall

The designer of this backdrop, The Frugal Homemaker, created the design with a spare curtain rod and curtain panels.  She said it’s magical at night and likes it so much it will be up at least through winter.

Bedroom curtain wall holiday lights

Photo Credit The Frugal Homemaker


Inside Jars and Vases

Micro-lights are perfect for smaller areas.  Micro-lights fit in tight spaces and are not too bright.  They act as highlighters for the decor they surround.  The holiday lights pictured below are found at Brookstone.

Micro holiday lights in vases


Inside Windows

Instead of hanging holiday lights around a window hang them inside the window.  These star string lights are a fun way to dress up a window for the holidays.  These lights are available through Walmart online only.

Star holiday lights in window

Star holiday lights in window

Photo Credit Shabby in Love

Card Holder

Here’s a charming idea for displaying cards.  Stringing holiday lights on the wall is an easy DIY project and is perfect for showing off your collection.  Fairy Lights & Fun has more cute pictures and inspiration on this project and more.

String holiday lights for a Christmas Card holder



On Furry Friends

Finally, if all the above ideas cause any extra stress, you can always light up your furry friends and take an adorable picture to post on Facebook or Instagram.

Christmas holiday lights on dogs

Photo Credit Cordially Creative


How do you use holiday lights indoors?   Share your creative ideas with us by visiting our contact us page or email at

Happy Holiday Decorating from Transitions Drapery!

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